
16th Venice Biennale of Architecture Hong Kong Exhibition

The Oval Partnership was delighted to take part in this year’s 16th Venice Biennale of Architecture - Hong Kong Exhibition and showcase our interpretation of the theme Vertical Fabric: Density in Landscape with our “MyFreeSpaceTower”.

We believe that neighbourhoods are more than just buildings on a physical piece of land, but rather, are the sum of the lives and experiences of its inhabitants, built over time that often spans generations. In our “MyFreeSpace™Tower”, we use white pencils to depict an aerial map of De Voeux Road, and colour pencils to symbolise the myriad of activities and experiences that take place around it. The collective participation of the inhabitants are translated into tangible results, and the densely stacked pencils reflect the multitude of experiences found through engagement and interactions with the people of the community, which creates the vibrancy, diversity, identity, character and history of the neighbourhood.

Thanks to Perspective Magazine for the feature, and here is a closer glimpse of our “MyFreeSpaceTower”.